O'Glascoe P'Dascoe's Voodoo Ritual Fund

You have discovered the Voodoo Ritual Fund.
You may choose to donate some moneys, or you may not choose to donate some moneys. All I can tell you is that when you donate, your moneys will be going to a great place. Where, you might have just asked after you read that sentence? Well, thank you reader, for asking this question, as it is a very good question that I am about to answer in the next sentence. Actually, I lied, I will now tell you in the sentence after this one. The Voodoo Ritual fund aims to help uneducated children become educated. Educated about what, you may be ask? Well too bad, I am not going to answer that question because I don't care.

So donate if you wish. Donate, $1, $5, or perhaps $.01. If you are feeling generous today, donate $10,000. 50% of your moneys will go to the cause of buying educations for childrens. Also we will buy goats with your moneys.


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