
Here is a list of sacred amendments that you are recommended to follow as a member of the Ghuddist faith. They have been compiled for trillions of years by many Popes. There was once a sacred constitution (we think) but it has been lost with time. 
  • You must always pronounce the sacred word "humorous" as "hue-more-iss". You must also never speak the sacred word "preposterous" or "fantastic" in the correct pronunciation. 
  • You may consume any type of sustenance as long as it is not of any of the following types of material: human flesh (including infants, decomposed flesh, or anything of the sorts), scrap metal, or any substance with a density over 14.56&6 on the scale of craiginometry* 
  • If in the process or considering of any of the following actions: rebelling against the government, committing suicide, murder, rape, or any Class 3 or above crimes on the Sacred Scale O' Misery, an individual must fill out the Sacred Sheet O' Crime at least 2 weeks in advance. Failure to do so will result in immediate execution by exilement to the Land of Misery. 
  • Unnecessary misplaced movie quotes will not be tolerated.


Here at your opinion is invaluable to us. If you are a secret spy from Crombolia, Humpyev, Gordhongo, or South Africa please direct your focus to the fiery pit on the left.