Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Mystery of the Expanisve Grass Field

The Ghumada wilderness is one of the most unrelenting and dangerous places in existence. Beyond the safety of the walls which enclose the 3  actualcities in Ghumada, one will face extremely dangerous environments including sections of desert, Arctic tundra just to the north of the desert, and beyond that one will have to face the truly unstoppable forces of the Ghumada Jungle. 

No one has ever explored the Ghumada Jungle and returned in one piece. One time, legendary explorer Human Hoffman managed to reach the city after a thorough exploration, however he was reportedly carrying at least 4 severed body parts (we do not have full details on which body parts). All the information that we know of the Ghumada Jungle was the verbal account of Human Hoffman on his death bed, because for some reason he didn't think to  keep a journal or something to record his findings. 
The extent of Hoffman's injuries were so severe that not even the top Ghumada surgeon knew what to do. He only had around 7 minutes to recount the tales of his experience in the Ghumada Jungle. In this time, he tells the tale of an amazingly beautiful land hidden within the relentless jungles. He claims that in this land there is no violence, war, or unhappy feelings. Apparently there are not even any buildings or sidewalks. Instead, there are thriving fields of grass for as far as it is possible to see. The people that inhabit this land are reportedly simple, kind, and carefree. 

As one could expect, this theory has been the root of much speculation and debate among top Ghumada theorists. Here's what top Ghumada theorist Kwola Frankton had to say about the rumored mythical land:
"I do not believe in many things. This thing would be included because as far as I have seen, I have not seen it."
Kwola Frankton
In order to settle this debate once and for all, the Ghumada government has decided to partner with Ghumada News to launch a full expedition into the Ghumada wilderness. The best living explorers in Ghumada are being drafted to be a part of an elite exploration team. There is also an explorer who does not live in Ghumada but we are including him anyway. Most of the government's funds are being invested into this exploration. This is somewhat strange considering all the cities in Ghumada are experiencing a shortage of all materials including food, water, and furniture polish. However, the board has agreed that this takes priority because they are "bored of doing all the same stuff all the time". 

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